Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Husband Has Gay Jungle Fever

Watch Out Sidney Poitier, LOOK WHO'S COMING TO DINNER!  My husband and his gay jungle fever best pal Sean.  No, neither one of them are gay; very much into the boobies (girl boobies) but they show each other their big manly chests and slap each other on the butt!  It must be a guy thing because I don't get it.  I love them both!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Me & Jack We Go Way Back

Me and Jack definitely go way back.  At one time in my life I weighed 372lbs.  It was thanks to Jack.  I don't blame him for all of it, but we had a pretty serious relationship for a while.  Somewhere in the range of 13 years or so.  He never looked this buff when I was eating with him.  Doesn't matter anymore because he doesn't rule my life anymore.  I'm almost as skinny now as he is.  Suck It Jack.